Welcome to your Recipe Collections page. This is the place to find and organize recipes that you’ve saved from the whole of the Keto Vegetarian Recipes site.
Carbs are shown as total carbs. You will need to subtract the fiber for the net carbs.
If you need to work out your daily macros, use our easy keto calculator.
You will find an “Add to Collections” button at the beginning of every recipe and in the recipe card on Keto Vegetarian Recipes. Hit this button to add the recipe to your recipe collection.
If you have already added a recipe to your collection, this button will instead give you the option to come right back to this page!
Sample Meal Plan
My current sample meal plan should be in your collection. I plan to start adding more meal plans for members to access.
Underneath the list of collections above, you will see the link to “Edit Collections”. This allows you to add and name additional collections. You can then add recipes directly to those new collections
Open up a collection and hit the “Shopping List” button underneath. You will then be given the option to adjust the portion size for each of the recipes included in the collection.
As you adjust the portion sizes, the quantities of ingredients needed will automatically adjust in the shopping list that has been generated. You can then print just the shopping list or print it with a list of the recipes above.
You also have the option to show or hide the combined nutrition facts for 1 portion of each of the recipes within the collection. Use the button under the collection to toggle the facts box on or off.